
  • Cookieless monster: Exploring the ecosystem of web-based device fingerprinting, Nick Nikiforakis, IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2013, 19-22 May 2013, IEEE Computer SocietyWashington,
  • You are what you include: large-scale evaluation of remote javascript inclusions, Nick Nikiforakis and Steven Van Acker, ACM CCS 2012, 16-18 October 2012 ACM, New York 2012,
  • FlowFox: a web browser with flexible and precise information flow control, Willem De Groef, ACM CCS 2012, 16-18 October 2012, ACM New York 2012,
  • JSand: Complete client-side sandboxing of third-party JavaScript without browser modifications, Pieter Agten and Steven Van Acker, ACSAC 2012, 3-7 December 2012, ACM, New York 2012,
  • Bitsquatting: Exploiting bit-flips for fun, or profit, Nick Nikiforakis and Steven Van Acker, WWW 2013, 13-17 May 2013, IW3C2 Geneva 2013
  • Web Application Security (Dagstuhl Seminar 12401), Lieven Desmet and Martin Johns, Dagstuhl reports, 1-5 October 2012, Dagstuhl Wadern 2013,
  • TabShots: Client-side detection of tabnabbing attacks, Philippe De Ryck and Nick Nikiforakis, AsiaCCS 2013, 8-13 May 2013 ACM, New York 2013,
  • Improving the security of session management in web applications, Philippe De Ryck, OWASP, AppSec EU 2013, 22-23 August 2013 OWASP Hamburg
  • Towards a Secure Web: Critical Vulnerabilities and Client-Side Countermeasures, Nick Nikiforakis, PhD Thesis, 30 August 2013, KU Leuven, Leuven 2013
  • BetterAuth: Web Authentication Revisited, Martin Johns, Sebastian Lekies, Bastian Braun, and Benjamin Flesch, Proceedings of the 28th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC '12), Annually ACM New York, NY, USA 2012
  • PreparedJS: Secure Script-Templates for JavaScript, Martin Johns, Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment (DIMVA '13), LNCS, Volume 7967, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Germany 2013
  • Eradicating DNS Rebinding with the Extended Same-Origin Policy, Martin Johns, Sebastian Lekies, Ben Stock, Proceeding, SEC'13 Proceedings of the 22nd USENIX conference on Security Annually USENIX Association Berkeley, CA, USA 2013
  • Tamper-resistant LikeJacking Protection, Martin Johs, Sebastian Lekies, 16th International Symposium, RAID 2013, Rodney Bay, St. Lucia, October 23-25, 2013. Proceedings LNCS, Volume 8145 Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Germany 2013

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